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Empowering women business owners to balance their roles in self, family and business.

She Owns It. A one-day conference that is segmented into 3 areas of Self, Family & Business, that will feature a host of power talks, panel discussions and workshops by various successul women-mum-entrepreneurs for 120 female business owner attendees. The conference topics will focus on embracing the female business owner’s ability to juggle all the roles she plays in her life


SHE OWNS IT Conference

Saturday, 7th November 2015

8:15am - 6:00pm
Riverview Hotel, 382 Havelock, Singapore 169629

*Registration from 8am - 9am


8:15am      Get Fit Session with Kareen Lai, Singapore Mumpreneur of the Year 2015 (OPTIONAL SESSION)


9:00am      Welcome + Open Keynote Address by Guest-of-Honour


9:20am      BUSINESS PLANNING: What's your big picture?

*Learn simple strategies on how to create a big picture for your small but growing business


10:10am    Tea Break



“The fine art of Growing a business, while engaging self & family”

(A panel discussion with 4-5 successful women-entrepreneurs)


1:00pm       LUNCH


2:00pm - 6:00pm Break-out Group A or B (Participants choose Group A or B to take part in)





















6:30pm         END

NOTE: The title for each topic is tentative (and subject to change).

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